Create Dynamic Form Templates Tutorial

A Guide To Creating Form Templates

In this article we will explore how to create your own form templates in the Octo Forms System. These forms can be used to solve most if not all your business needs and requirements. Octforms also does Custom Development

Create Templates

Creating templates is easy with Octo Forms. As an Administrator just click the Form Templates menu and click Add (+) icon. Here you can define your template name and types.

Form Types

Form TypeDescription
Static FormDefault forms to be captured.
AssessmentAssessment Form sent to individuals.
SurveySurvey Form sent out to employees or third parties.
File Meta DataFile meta data to be captured with files.
Folder Meta Data


ActiveEnable/Disable the control.
RequiredControl must be filled in.
Column DisplayShow in form list when searching.
Is DescriptionWhen referencing this form from another this option will display to the user on selection.
Is ValueWhen referencing this form from another this option will be the value of the selected form.
Allow AddAllow adding a new entry of the selected form from the current form.
MinimumMinimum amount a number value may be.
MaximumMaximum amount a number value may be.
Validation ExpressionValidate controls based on predefined or custom patterns. To understand patterns read more here.
Cascade FromSelect a parent form this control will always filter on.
Default ValueSelect the default value this form loads with.

Form Details

Form Types:
  • Static Form - This is the basic form type
  • Survey - Survey form types will send out links to all users in selected roles
  • File Meta Data - This is for additional data on documents. More info here


Select a Google icon for easy and simple form identification visually.

Travel Reports Filter
Travel Reports Filter

Search and Select

Search the list of controls provided by Octoforms and select the control you need. A comprehensive control list and their specific properties can be found here: Control Types.

If you do not find the controls you requre you can request a new control by Contacting Us

Octoforms also provides Custom Project Development if the Octoforms website has a lack in functionality or requirements you need.

View Form

The template will be generated under the "View Form" button content_paste for easy view of how the form will be generated once the template is created.

Travel Reports Filter


Select which roles are allowed to
  • View - Only view forms the current user created
  • Get - Can view all forms from other users too
  • Add - Is allowed to add new forms
  • Update - Is allowed to update forms
  • Delete - Is allowed to delete forms


Events are used to control data with calculation on a form in the order the are created
  • When - User Action that fires the event
    1. OnChange - This executes as controls get altered
    2. Service Executes - This executes once a day and is helpful to update statuses based on days that passed for example: Leads go cold after 2 weeks
    3. Saves - This executes once all front end validations have passed
  • Action - Event Action that needs to be applied
    1. Add
    2. Subtract
    3. Multiply
    4. Divide
    5. Update
    6. Min
    7. Max
    8. Floor
    9. Abs
  • Control - This is the control that get updated with the Event Action
  • Method - This is the type of method the Event should fire
    1. Value - Sets or checks the Hard Coded Value
    2. Role - Update to Role
    3. Country - Sets or checks the Country
    4. Currency - Sets the exchange rate
    5. ID - Sets or checks the ID
    6. User - Sets or checks the user
    7. Dynamic Property - A Dynamic Property is used to calculate specific data such as TODAY
    8. Form Value - Check the Condition Control Value
  • Operator - This tells the form how to compare the data
    1. =
    2. >=
    3. <=
    4. >
    5. <
    6. !==
  • Condition Control - The Condition Control is optional and will fire only if the data is selected
Travel Reports Filter

Control Properties

Here you can set you controls properties
  • Control Type - See a full list of controls and tutorials here
  • Control Name - Name of Control
  • Control Size - This is the width of the control and other controls will populate next to eachother if there is space
  • Validation Exprression - Standard validation expressions but a custom one can be design by using regexr
  • Default Value - Populate form with a value from start
  • Default Value - Populate form with a value from start
  • Active - Disable/Enable the control
  • Required - Is the control required in order to save
  • Column Display - Only controls with this setting will show up in the form lists
  • Is Description - Only one control can have this setting. The value of this control will show when selecting this template from another template
  • Is Value - Only one control can have this setting. The value of this control will be saved on another template being selected from this one
Travel Reports Filter


Formulas have similar settings as Events. Here you can Hide/Disable controls based on the rules set up
Travel Reports Filter


Validations have similar settings as Events. Here you can validate controls based on the rules set up and message to display
Travel Reports Filter


Triggers are for executing additional inserts/updates/deletes on other forms. For instance on an Inventory Management System you might want to update the remaining inventory on a product form
  • User Action - When the current user Insert/Update/Delete
  • Ergo Action - Then Insert/Update/Delete the selected template
Travel Reports Filter
Once you have selected the template you will need to select "Setup Form" and select what action to do on each control. Actions:
  • Input Value - This will allow you to set the trigger based on your input in the control
  • Dynamic Property - This will allow you to assign a dynamic property
  • Specific control - This will copy the control of the current user form being captured

More Info

For more information, questions or additional requests: Contact Us